Demystifying Baseball Stats: What Is a Hold in Baseball?

Demystifying Baseball Stats: What Is a Hold in Baseball?

Baseball is a game steeped in statistics, and while many fans are familiar with well-known metrics like batting average and ERA, there are others that may be less understood. One such statistic is the “hold.” In this article, we’ll uncover what a hold is in baseball, its significance, and how it sheds light on a pitcher’s performance.

Defining a Hold

A hold is a pitching statistic that is primarily used to gauge a relief pitcher’s effectiveness in maintaining a lead for their team. It quantifies a pitcher’s ability to bridge the gap between the starting pitcher’s performance and the closer’s appearance in a game.

The Criteria for a Hold

For a pitcher to be credited with a hold, they must meet specific criteria:

  1. The pitcher must enter the game in a “save situation.” A save situation typically occurs when the team is ahead by three runs or fewer, and the pitcher enters the game with the tying run either on base, at the plate, or on deck.
  2. The pitcher must not be the winning pitcher of record. In other words, they cannot earn a win or a save in the same game in which they receive a hold.
  3. The pitcher must record at least one out. This means they must retire at least one batter during their appearance.

Calculating a Hold

The hold itself is not calculated; rather, it is a designation used to recognize a pitcher’s performance based on the criteria mentioned above. It is recorded in a pitcher’s individual statistics to acknowledge their contribution in protecting a lead during a game.

Significance of a Hold

Holds are primarily used to assess the performance of middle relievers and setup pitchers who play a crucial role in preserving a lead before the closer enters the game. It recognizes their ability to navigate critical innings and maintain the team’s advantage.

Critiques and Limitations

While holds provide insight into a pitcher’s effectiveness in save situations, they have faced criticism for being a somewhat arbitrary statistic. Since a hold depends on factors such as the score and the presence of baserunners, it can sometimes be influenced by circumstances beyond a pitcher’s control. As a result, some baseball analysts and enthusiasts prefer more comprehensive metrics to evaluate a reliever’s performance.

A hold in baseball is a statistic that recognizes a relief pitcher’s ability to maintain a lead in a save situation. It quantifies their contribution to the team’s success and acknowledges their role in bridging the gap between the starting pitcher and the closer. While holds provide valuable insights into a pitcher’s effectiveness, they are just one of many statistics used to evaluate a player’s performance in the complex world of baseball statistics.


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